
Jordana Lanzarini

Manager from Brazil

Acredito que um coletivo se organiza de acordo com o inconsciente comum dessas pessoas. Cada uma traz um ensinamento que faz total sentido para aquele grupo ali reunido. No Workshop de ThetaHealing não seria diferente, éramos desconhecidos mas parecíamos amigos de infância, fomos íntimos, nos entregamos à prática, fomos vulneráveis e curamos a nós mesmos. Gostaria de deixar o meu muito obrigada à querida facilitadora Michaela que desenvolve um trabalho brilhante e foi através dela que eu conheci essa ferramenta linda e transformadora que é o ThetaHealing. Espero muito em breve fazer os demais workshops. Com muito amor, Jordana Lanzarini

Michal Krhut

Freelancer a spisovatel z České republiky


Mé zkušenosti s Theta léčením a Move Beyond. Pamatuji ten moment, kdy jsem poprvé o Theta léčení slyšel, jako by to bylo včera. Moje kamarádka mě na Facebooku pozvala na akci v čajovně, na povídání o Theta léčení. Jen jsem klikl na tlačítko “možná” a záhy na to zapomněl. Co jsem ale opravdu nečekal bylo, že jsem shodou okolností do té samé čajovny v ten samý den šel, ale s jiným kamarádem. A opravdu to nebyla čajovna, kam bych chodil pravidelně, od té doby jsem tam nebyl ani jednou. Potkal jsem tam svou kamarádku právě ve chvíli, kdy měli přestávku před praktickou ukázkou. Ivanka mě v podstatě “vyzvedla” v pravou chvíli. Tak jsem šel. Míša nám pověděla nějaké základy o Theta léčení, a pak nás “prostě” vzala s sebou do sedmé roviny bytí. Bylo to úžasný! Stačilo mi jen pár okamžiků k rozhodnutí, že se to chci naučit. Vědět, jak se tam dostat sám, na to místo lásky a klidu. Bylo dokonáno. Uběhl měsíc a pár dní, a sešli jsme se s pár lidmi na prvním workshopu. Trval tři dny, ale upřímně, všichni jsme měli pocit, že tam jsme tak rok. Událo se toho TOLIK, že bylo těžké rozumem pobrat, že to zabralo jen tak krátký časový úsek. Každý den jsme objevovali spoustu zcela zásadních věcí, programů, které v nás byly a pod vedením Míši je rozpouštěli a měnili. Šlo to jako po másle. Občas jsme měli chuť se z toho vykrucovat a do cvičení se nám nechtělo, ale to jen proto, že jsme třeba měli obavu se na nějaké nepříjemné věci podívat, protože byly bolestivé. Po práci vždy následovala obrovská úleva a radost. Po prvním semináři pak následoval další, a další… Strávil jsem v Thetě spoustu času, ptal se Stvořitele všeho, co je, na spoustu různých okolností mého života. Proč se mi děje tohle? Proč se mi děje tamto? Proč mě tohle bolí? … A on mi vždy naslouchal, vždy mi odpověděl a vždy mi pomohl, tím nejlepším možným způsobem. A to tak, že mi láskyplně ukázal pravdu a cestu ven z mých obav, špatných návyků, strachů, lítosti a zloby. Když píšu tento text, je to již rok a pár měsíců od doby, co jsem Theta léčení objevil. Tato technika můj život radikálně změnila. Jsem víc milující, odvážnější, zdravější a šťastnější a vím co dělat se svým životem. Vždy to tam bylo, ale teď vím, jak naslouchat sám sobě a jak si v případě potřeby říct o pomoc, pokud je to potřeba.

Chantelle Mclaughlin

Dancer from Australia

Myska is an amazing Theta healing practitioner and teacher! After having one session with her last year at a retreat we were both attending, I was sure that I wanted to learn this healing modality from her, so we set up the basic DNA course right after the retreat with a few others who felt the same calling. These 3 days were incredibly transformational and every day after leaving the class I felt like my field was being completely re-wired and upgraded on so many levels. In the start I found it hard to believe that I would become a certified theta healer after just 3 days – but Myska made it easy. She was so patient, clear and compassionate when teaching yet totally empowering me to tap into my own intuition and encouraging me to believe in myself and my ability to connect to the answers by myself. Myska is someone that is incredibly genuine and felt that I could trust immediately, which I feel is so important when doing this deep work. I went on to do the advanced DNA course shortly after which was also a really beautiful and intimate experience, even though I felt extremely tired the whole time – she stayed with me throughout with her unwavering presence and commitment to be of service in the best way. Since then, the way I relate to life has changed tremendously – my intuition has opened like it never was before, I have my own clients and an thriving with the knowing that whatever challenges arise in me, I have this tool to get to the bottom of it and shift what is limiting me, so for this – Theta healing has been the most empowering thing I have ever done, and I feel honoured that I was taught by this beautiful light being with such a strong connection to source, her heart and the heart of others. I would highly recommend Myska as both a practitioner and Teacher!!

Ulisse Tavares

a citizen of the World,

After an introduction to theta healing by Michaela, I decided to undergo the basic DNA certification. Michaela has been a wonderful teacher who dedicates herself completely when teaching her students. Having her as my first teacher in the Theta field, I can truly say how blessed I was to have her as my foundation.
She truly makes that moment (of teaching) entirely dedicated to make the information flow with light and ease. All questions and doubts are answered and cleared with an enormous amount of love and boundless energy. (Even going beyond the number of hours required, to make us more at ease with the practice as a bonus).
I cannot recommend her enough both as a teacher and practitioner of Theta healing.

Céline Harleaux

founder and manager of My Dawning Light from France

Myska was my instructor for the Intuitive Anatomy workshop. I was amazed by her wisdom, her knowledge and her intuition – her ability to guide and to hold space for her students. I have learnt so much from her, and am so privileged to have her in my life 🥰 If you’re looking to find clarity your life, or to move beyond what is holding you back, get in touch with her! Lots of love

Hafron Thomson

Artist from Tanzania           

Miracle happens all the time.

When I was 18 years old I was diagnosed with PCOS and amenorrhea. The combination meant that I would never be able to have children. Year after year, different doctors and specialists confirmed the devastating news to me. So I also started doing everything I could to heal my body and try and get it to function like a “normal” woman. My husband taught me that diagnoses were not always the end result, sometimes they were just the beginning. The diagnoses would tell us what is wrong, and then we can fix it. This group of friends hung out regularly and in their presence, I began finding tools to allow my body to right itself. It is among this group of friends that I met Myshka. She in my opinion, was the leader of all things health-related among us. She led us in health-centered practices such as chanting, yoga and the art of healthy eating. In our times together, she taught me how to listen to my body, to trust that my body would let me know what it needs when it comes to food and what it wants in order to heal. Her belief in the body’s ability to totally heal itself when given the chance was so contagious and I wanted to be around her energy all the time. I wanted her positive vibes to penetrate into me so that I could walk in hope and health like she did. In a Reiki session, she facilitated for me, I was lying on the table feeling desperate.

10 years had passed since I was first told I would be childless and I had begun to give up. I already made plans of using a surrogate mother or perhaps adopting instead. I had already been to see the gynecologist and he told me that the PCOS was being well managed. I felt so happy. But that I still had amenorrhea. My heart sank. How can a woman with not enough female hormones and no periods get pregnant? The healing vibes coming from her sent a peace washing over me. She then lay hands on my stomach and paused. I began to imagine myself having children and I started crying in my heart because I thought “this is mean, it will never happen, I’ve tried so many things, what else can I do?” She then spoke to me which was not her usual practice, and said: “Jesus came into the room.” I thought this was strange because I did not know her to be a belief of Christ. As though knowing my puzzlement, she said “He is here for you. He is here because you believe in Him. I have never met Jesus before. But He is standing here next to me and watching over you. He is telling me that you will have children. You are going to have children. I can see that you guys know each other very well and that you have a very powerful and deeply loving relationship. He is here because He really loves you.” I started crying and felt like my tummy was shaking or vibrating or something.

Myshka told me she had never had that encounter before and found it fascinating. Four months later, I got pregnant. Today, my baby is 8 months and is full of health and joy. I first give thanks to Jesus for His love for me, for even visiting me at Myshka’s house to encourage me, for being my healer and for making my dreams come true and giving me a baby. I also give thanks to Myshka because this would never have happened without her. The wisdom of all kinds that she imparted in me, the hours spent together, the advice and suggestions, love, attention and nurturing she gave are indescribable and I will always be grateful to the gift of life, healing, and a beautiful baby boy that are nowhere because of her faithfulness.

Tina Beckley

mum and yogi from England

Feeling blessed to have Myska as my teacher ☺️ She holds the perfect space for her students, is continually encouraging, very motivating and always seems to know the perfect time to gently stop holding your hand.
Myska shares her knowledge of Theta, Creator and Vianna’s teachings, intertwined with personal experiences and is open to others needs along the way. I did the basic course and then just wanted to do more and more. I just completed the three week Intuitive Anatomy and it was “life changing”. I totally recommend taking these workshops with Myska as an instructor, even if it is just for your own learning … it’s guaranteed learning.

Liam Dyson

Arborist from England,

My Thetahealing session with Myska was one of the most beautiful and profound moments of my life that’s has stayed with me to this day. I did not find it easy at first to connect and let go during the practice but once I did, without realizing Myska was working her magic. A subconscious belief that didn’t serve me came up during the session about “feeling that I wasn’t supported” came up and we worked on removing this. I could actually feel this negative belief being lifted from chest and replaced by love and light. I feel that my experience with Myska has helped me so much and given me new self-belief in this area which has helped me love my self more and connect deeper to my true self.

Thanks Myska!

Nikki Dornfeld Campbell

Montessori Head Teacher and Deputy Principle from USA

Gratitude, joy, and love are what I am feeling for the teachings from Vianna and Theta Healing through Myska! She is an amazing teacher and healer. I have taken four theta courses with Myska, DNA1, DNA2, Digging and Manifesting & Abundance. I plan on taking more! She was flexible and accomodating while still creating a safe and fun learning space. Myska has a way of making everyone feel welcomed and loved. She was patient. Each day I felt we were surrounded in a bubble of joy and love, where learning was able to happen at each person’s pace. Every class had just the right people, from our divine timing to learn exactly what we needed to know in every moment. I feel more connected with Creator than I ever have before. Thank you so much.

Karina Parent Riopel

Financial Broker and from Canada

Forever grateful for Magical Myshka in my life!! Her DNA Basic workshop fell on my lap in a perfect timing! Without much research on the modality, I felt the calling and just went for it! I been blown away with what I learned on day one! Hearing about what is offered on the Advanced course, I made sure to get on that one as well shortly after! Myshka is very soft, understanding and caring with everyone she comes across. When it comes to teaching and doing sessions, very supportive, fun and professional always! I loved her workshops so much that I chose to come down from Ottawa Canada, all the way to New Zealand for more!! Every steps along the way seemed to prepare me for the next, flowing with joy and ease, into my deep self discoveries and healing. Intuitive Anatomy been such a blessing, I was so ready for it, and Myshka been an amazing coach during the intense three weeks together! I come out with totally new perspectives on just about everything in what life should be and what we can achieve! Beyond mind blowing, really!!

Danny Wortes

Surfur from Australia

Where do I start.. Myska’s one groovey earthling😁 Our little tale started in mumma India and blossomed into a really special friendship that I hold close to my heart! What I experienced through theta healing with Myska teaching all of us was something I can’t explain! Her kind loving nature helped us all feel at ease and excited for the learning we had ahead. her beautiful energy guided the teachings perfectly, made us feel at home, and her sweet nature was very nurturing through the deep healing we were receiving. It truly was a special time for me and thanks to myska’s fairy like attitude to life I can’t wait to do the next course with her!
Don’t even consider theta healing with myska, just do it! what you will gain inside is unicorn like and chances are you’ll also gain a beautiful friend like I did.

Thank you!